To repent of sin is necessary for salvation and for living a godly life after salvation. In order to understand repentance we will first look at some basic definitions, followed by scriptures dealing with repentance, and finally summarize repentance and its application to our lives.
Since all have sinned, all are in need of forgiveness. When we change our minds, what do we do with our former thoughts? They become past history, do they not? Likewise, when we change our purpose, our former purpose no longer rules our life. Such is the case when we change our purpose toward God. Such is repentance. When we hear the word and believe in Jesus as the Son of God, we must examine our life and see the sin that separates us from God. To consider the fact that the Son of God, who came to this earth and lived a sinless life only to be killed by sinful man, loved us enough to do so should cause us to sorrow with a godly sorrow and commit our lives to His service, not to the service of Satan. Such a godly sorrow produces repentance, which leads to salvation. The former sacrifices practiced under the old law could never take away sins. For this reason Jesus came to the earth and died for us, so that we might have true forgiveness of sins. To fail to repent shows a lack of understanding of one's sin and the consequences of that sin. To fail to repent shows a lack of love for Jesus. The fate of one today who refuses to repent will be an eternity in hell. To truly repent leads to such distaste for one's own sin that one will have no desire at all to return to one's former lifestyle. Those who truly repent find willful sin in their lives to be as distasteful as a dog returning to lap up its vomit. Please take these scriptures to heart and consider what your sin means.